The process of creating a BMP entity bean consists of:
Configuring the database
Creating a set of enterprise bean class files
A BMP entity bean consists of the following files:-
BMP entity bean remote or local interface
BMP entity bean remote home or local home interface
BMP entity bean class
- Types of Enterprise Beans are
- Session Beans
- Stateless Session Beans
- Stateful Session Beans
- Entity Beans
- Bean Managed Persistent (BMP) Entity Beans
- Container Managed Persistent (CMP) Entity Beans
- Message-Driven Bean
Creating a BMP Entity Bean Remote Interface
An entity bean remote interface declares the business methods used by a client.
The remote interface consists of a set of methods corresponding to the methods that are present in the entity bean class.
The signatures of the methods in the remote interface should be the same as the corresponding methods in the entity bean class.
The remote interface extends the javax.ejb.EJBObject interface and consists of the declaration of the business methods.
The throw clause of the methods that are declared in the remote interface should include the exception, java.rmi.RemoteException.
Creating a BMP Entity Bean Local Interface
A local client uses the local interface to call the entity bean.
The local interface of an entity bean extends the javax.ejb.EJBLocalObject interface.
The methods that are declared in the local interface need to have the corresponding methods with the same signature in the entity bean class.
Creating a BMP Entity Bean Remote Home Interface
The remote home interface of an entity bean includes the methods that enable a client to create, locate, or destroy the entity bean.
The methods in the remote home interface should have a corresponding set of methods in the entity bean class.
The signatures of the methods in the remote home interface should be the same as the corresponding methods in the entity bean class.
The remote home interface of a BMP entity extends the javax.ejb.EJBHome interface and includes the findByPrimaryKey() method.
The methods in the remote home interface should throw the exception, java.rmi.RemoteException.
Creating a BMP Entity Bean Local Home Interface
The local home interface of an entity bean includes the methods to create, locate, and destroy an entity bean.
The methods in the local home interface need to have the corresponding methods in the entity bean class with the same signature.
The local home interface of an entity bean extends the javax.ejb.EJBHome interface.
Creating a BMP Entity Bean Class
The entity bean class implements the life cycle methods used by EJB container to control the life cycle of an entity bean.
The entity bean class implements the business methods declared in the entity bean remote interface.
The entity bean class can only be defined as public and implements the business methods defined in the component interfaces of an entity bean.
The entity bean class implements the javax.ejb.EntityBean interface.
The entity bean class includes a default constructor that does not have any arguments.
The entity bean class should implement the ejbCreate(), ejbPostCreate(), ejbFind(), and ejbHome() methods.
Accessing BMP Entity Bean
A client accesses a BMP entity bean’s business methods using the references of entity bean’s home and remote interfaces.
Both, Web clients and Application clients can access a BMP entity bean.
The steps to access a BMP entity bean are:
Locates a BMP entity bean in the J2EE 1.4 Application Server.
Retrieves references of the BMP entity bean home and remote interfaces.
Locating a BMP entity Bean
To locate a BMP entity bean, the client performs the following steps:
Uses the InitialContext interface of JNDI to create an initial naming context.
InitialContext ctx = new InitialContext();
Uses the lookup() method to locates the home object of the deployed BMP entity bean.
Object ref = ctx.lookup("JNDI name");
Retrieving References of BMP Entity Bean Interfaces
After locating the BMP entity bean, a client retrieves references of the BMP entity bean home and remote interfaces to invoke an entity bean’s business methods.
The narrow() method of the PortableRemoteObject interface is used to retrieve the reference of a BMP entity bean remote home interface.
You can use the following statement to retrieve a reference of BMP entity bean remote home:
BMPentityRemoteHome bmpremotehome = (BMPentityremoteHome)PortableRemoteObject.narrow(ref, BMPentityRemoteHome.class); |
Local clients need to use lookup() method of the InitialContext interface to retrieve a reference of a BMP entity bean local home interface.
You can use the following statement to locate and retrieve a reference to BMP entity bean local home interface:
BMPentityLocalHome bmplocalhome = (BMPentityLocalHome)ctx.lookup("JNDIname"); |
A client invokes the create() method in the BMP entity bean home interface for retrieving a reference to BMP entity bean remote interface.
You can use the following code snippet to retrieve a reference to the remote interface of a BMP entity bean:
BMPentityRemote bmpremote = bmpremotehome.create(datatype param1, datatype param2);
A local client invokes the create() method to retrieve a reference to a BMP entity bean local interface.
You can use the following code snippet to retrieve a reference of the local interface of a BMP entity bean:
BMPentityLocal bmplocal = bmplocalhome.create(datatype param1, datatype param2); |
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